A little levity


Sealy is taking a break this week. Don’t worry! She’ll be back; she enjoys being my literary motif.

I found this cartoon in a monthly humor magazine sent to me by my sister-in-law. I stopped when I saw it and laughed out loud, and then immediately began to wonder why it is so obviously funny, while also being a little sad.

It’s funny because the goodwill and civility in the sign are so unlikely in the current political climate, or in any national political contest I can remember. It’s sad because the 2 men, like us, are having the same reaction. Even fictional people know that a civil campaign is highly, highly unlikely.

My next thought was to consider our Los Altos Hills campaign. I’m happy to admit that I believe any of the 5 of us running for the council could have erected a similar sign (maybe not quite so glowing) and it wouldn’t have been absurd. I think all 5 of us have been courteous and civil.

I start with the assumption that all of us truly care about the town. Whenever I hear a neighbor talking about a town issue or offering an opinion on how to solve a problem, I always assume they want the best for our town. I may not agree with their opinion or solution but when I make the assumption that their goal is to protect and improve our town it forces me to stop for a minute before dismissing their comment out of hand. Why would they say that? What perspective are the bringing to this conversation? Those questions come naturally when I start from this assumption. This is the perspective I intend to carry forward as a council member. I’m sure I will make mistakes but I hope you will hold me to my promise.


A civic duty and privilege


A sigh of relief