A small act of kindness


This is Sealy gratefully drinking water during a warmish hike. We’re at the Purissima Hills Water fountain at Arastradero and Purissima.

We come by this fountain frequently and I usually try to cup some water in my hand so she can have a small drink. I don’t think this impresses her and she certainly doesn’t get much of a drink. She looks askance as I easily get my fill. But this time someone has left a metal water bowl and she drank a full one quite happily.

Now why didn’t I think of bringing a water bowl? Excellent question. Is it because I’m not as considerate of my dog’s needs as the anonymous provider of this bowl? Or that I’m just forgetful? Probably a bit of both. This realization makes me even more respectful of the bowl provider.

This is a small but significant act of kindness. Sealy and I benefit, and other dogs and people as well. I doubt the person leaving the bowl will ever be thanked by even one of the beneficiaries but that probably doesn’t matter to them. It was such a small act, easily done. The next time we go by the bowl may be gone. That wouldn’t be a tragedy. Sealy would still get the meager handfuls of water or she would just ignore my offers. But whether the bowl is there or not I will remember the small act of kindness it represented. Maybe Sealy will as well.


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