Legislation Eliminating Zoning

You probably received a postcard from the Town regarding proposed state legislation to eliminate local control of zoning. The 2 bills, SB9 and SB10 (but primarily SB9) would prohibit us, and all other towns, from enforcing local zoning laws. The 1 acre minimum and strict requirements put in place to maintain an open and “nature respecting” town feel would no longer be possible.

I feel strongly we should be creating more affordable housing in the Bay Area, but I also now strongly feel this legislation does not support that goal. In our community we’d see more expensive homes much closer together, which won’t increase the availability of affordable housing. Thinking of other Bay Area communities, I also don’t see how this legislation will create more affordable housing. It does create the opportunity for developers to buy older homes and flip them to smaller lots with denser housing. I suppose the argument could be made for “trickle down” affordable housing that would eventually arise as more and more housing is added. I don’t necessarily buy that argument but even if it did eventually happen I suspect it would take a decade or more. We need more affordable housing much sooner.

Kavita is taking the lead on town opposition. She proposed and the council passed a town resolution against the legislation.

What can you do? Make your voice heard: Town staff is making it easy by posting links to our local representatives; Hills 2000 has additional info; Neil Mielke has started a petition — all of these are successful tactics we used to retain local control of LAHCFD (Los Altos Hills County Fire District). We found out how powerful our collective voices could be when we rally.

If you’d like a detailed explanation of how SB9 will work, this slide deck is helpful. For more info on house flipping by developers: KQED ad NBC.


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